
Our chickens are a very special part of our farm! They are very well cared for and spend their time roaming, roosting, scratching, and nibbling worms, seeds, and bugs all day long.

We supplement their free-range foraging with non-GMO corn and layer pellet feed. At night, they roost in their cozy coop, safe from predators and protected from the cold, wind, rain, and snow!

The first snowfall always catches the hens by surprise…and they are not amused! Winter is not their favorite season because, while they’re all “cold hardy” breeds, they definitely don’t like to walk over the snowy ground. They do, however, enjoy their covered run and daily meals of warm oatmeal, lentils, or rice…as well as extra scratch grains…all of which help to keep them warm and healthy during this season.

Our hens are happy and healthy and lay the best eggs you’ve ever had! We NEVER spray with herbicides or pesticides, and we NEVER use antibiotics or hormones. So our eggs, with their dark orange yolks are full of delicious, healthy flavor.

You can find our eggs right here on the farm (and you can preorder them, too!) as well as at Gilfeather’s Market on Highway 7 in Ferrisburgh.